The library of the ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Ethnology is a specialized library that operates as part of the SAZU Library. It is intended for researchers at the central institution and the general public, especially for literature unavailable in other general and specialized libraries. The library contains more than 18,000 units of ethnographic, ethnological, and folklore studies literature, and holds the scholarly portion of Boris Orel’s manuscript and book collection. The library material is divided into periodicals and book collections organized in alphabetical order, and monograph publications organized by consecutive (signature) number. The library also maintains an offprint collection, reference materials, non-book materials, and gray literature. Information on the material that the library obtained after 1991 is included in the COBIB general database, which is part of the COBISS system, and older material is indexed in the alphabetical card catalogue at the institute and the SAZU Library (at Novi trg 5, first floor). The audiovisual collection contains approximately 700 units. A list of the organized part of the material is available on the institute’s website under Collections, Audiovisual Laboratory (for more information, please contact Naško Križnar at +386 1 470 6343).
The ZRC SAZU Research Station library in Nova Gorica includes more than 5,000 units covering historical, ethnological, and Slavic studies literature connected with the Gorizia region, the broader Littoral, and cross-border regions. The Nova Gorica library also holds the scholarly portion of Henrik Tuma’s manuscript and book collection (for more information, contact Petra Kolenc at +386 5 335 7324).
The library does not lend out serial publications and reference literature for home use. Books can be borrowed Monday through Friday from 9 am to 12 noon. Check-out period: 30 days, renewal allowed.
Library headquarters: Novi trg 5, second floor
Librarian: Vanja Huzjan
Telephone: +386 1 470 6283