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Young and Entrepreneurial? Anthropological Perspectives on the Livelihoods and Ethics of Contemporary Youth

International Symposium

Osnovni podatki

21. april 2022 ob 09:00 do 21. april 2022 ob 18:00
Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 13, Ljubljana in na spletu

In 2019, the Slovenian Research Agency endorsed the research project Young entrepreneurs in times of uncertainty and accelerated optimism: an ethnological study of entrepreneurship and ethics of young people in modern-day Slovenia. Our research team focused on young entrepreneurs and youth entrepreneurship in Slovenia. The young entrepreneur was ethnographically approached as a historical subject in specific contemporary frameworks of (trans)national neoliberal society, the economy, the media and ethics, and as the creator of a specific youth culture. More in the Book of abstract: Young and Entrepreneurial_Book of abstracts_0.pdf