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Daša Ličen, PhD

+386 1 4706 284


Daša Ličen (1990) holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Primorska (2013). She continued her studies in Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes – CREOLE at the Department for Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Ljubljana (2013/2014), and at the Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna (2014/2015).

In 2015, she became a researcher at the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts). She successfully defended her PhD in 2021 at the University of Ljubljana under the supervision of prof. dr. Božidar Jezernik and prof. dr. Jurij Fikfak. Her doctoral dissertation was titled Cultural Associations in Trieste as the Setting of the Identification Processes of the Triestine Population (1848-1914). She considered cultural associations to be a window revealing major social changes occurring in the 19th century Trieste. She was interested in the bourgeois practices in this, by all accounts nationally divided city, and the dynamics between them. Her work earned her the Faculty of Arts (University of Ljubljana) award for the best doctoral dissertation in the humanities and social sciences for 2020/2021, as well as the Karl Kaser Prize for Historical Anthropology in Southeastern Europe.

She was granted numerous grants and academic awards. In 2011, she received the University of Primorska's grant for talented students, several Erasmus grants (study exchange at the University of Antwerp, 2012; study exchange at the University of Vienna, 2014-2015; guest researcher at the University of Oslo, 2016). In 2016, the American Folklore Society awarded Daša Ličen the Sue Samuelson Award's honorable mention, and also the grant for the international scholars attending the yearly AFS conference in Florida. In 2017, she also obtained the French Government's Grant (guest researcher at INALCO Paris, 2017), the Austrian Government's Grant (guest researcher at the Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna, 2018) and the Fulbright scholarship for doctoral students. In 2018, Daša was awarded the Bojan Erhartič Grant – awarded by RC SASA (visiting doctoral student at EUI Florence, 2018), in 2019 the Ernst Mach Grant (visiting researcher at the University of Graz, 2020), in 2023 she was a visiting fellow at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, and in 2024 she was the recipient of the JESH scholarship (visiting resercher at the University of Vienna, 2025).

In 2022, she obtained a postdoctoral project (financed by the Slovenian Research Agency) entitled For Beasts, Against Savages: Towards the Long History of the Animal Rights Movement. Her goal was to examine the rise of the animal rights movement as a means of class distinction.

She was the co-editor of the Bulletin of the Slovene Ethnological Society (Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva) between 2019 and 2023 and leading the Historical Association of Slovenia's Cultural Heritage Section. Daša Ličen is also an assistant professor at the University of Maribor. She teachers several courses in anthropology, ethnology and history.

Research interests: historical anthropology, shaping of different identities (national, ethnic, regional), voluntary associations, anthropology of food.

Geographical focus: Central Europe, Istria, Trieste.

2023 Meščanstvo v zalivu : društveno življenje v habsburškem Trstu. Studia humanitatis : Zbirka Apes, Založba ZRC, 432 str

2022 Tržaško Društvo ljubiteljev živali in njegove dame. Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino. [Tiskana izd.], letn. 62, št. 2, str. 8-28, ilustr. ISSN 0353-0329.,, DOI: 10.51663/pnz.62.2.01. [COBISS.SI-ID 125720579], [SNIP, Scopus]

2022 Zbližati, izobraziti in razvedriti slovanski živelj : članstvo Slavjanskega društva v Trstu ob pomladi narodov. Kronika : časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino. [Tiskana izd.], letn. 70, št. 2, str. 363-374, ilustr. ISSN 0023-4923., [COBISS.SI-ID 114724611], [SNIP]

2019 (avtor, prevajalec povzetka). Jadransko naravoslovno društvo od nastanka leta 1874 do prve svetovne vojne. V: PREINFALK, Miha (ur.). Iz zgodovine Trsta. Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije. Letn. 67, št. 3, str. 531-544, ilustr. Kronika, letn. 67, št. 3. ISBN 978-961-6777-25-4. ISSN 0023-4923. [COBISS.SI-ID 45539117], [SNIP]

2019 Trženje izvoženega hygge in "dobrih starih časov". Mimohod blaga : materialna kultura potrošniške družbe na Slovenskem: 187–198.

2018 Reinventing Habsburg Cuisine in Twenty-First Century Triest. Folklore, Vol. 71

2017 Variacije identifikacij v tržaškem društvu Minerva (1810–1916). Traditiones 46 (1–2, Supl.): 35–54.

2017 Med cesarstvom, nacijo in nostalgičnimi vizijami? : postavljanje in odstavljanje spomenikov habsburškega Trsta. Zgodovina za vse : vse za zgodovino 24 (1): 20–31.

2016 The “Authentic” Blend: Experts Weigh in on Istrian Food. Digest. A journal of foodways & culture 5 (2).

2015 The fine and the tasteless Istrian culinary experts and taste. Traditiones 44 (3): 113–130.

Research areas
Narodopisje H400
Kulturna antropologija, etnologija S220

Central Europe
anthropology of food
voluntary associations
history and practices of nationalisms
shaping of different identities (national
historical anthropology