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Helena Ložar-Podlogar, MA

Born on April 4, 1942 in Ljubljana. She graduated in ethnology and German language and literature from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in 1966. In 1966 she enrolled in the graduate program at the University of Vienna (Institut für vergleichende Volkskunde) as a Herder grantee. She completed her studies in 1968 under R. Wolfram, L. Schmidt, and K. Gaál. In 1978 she obtained her master's degree at Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts with the thesis »Ženitovanjske šege Ziljanov« (Wedding Customs of the Gail River Valley).
She was a researcher in the ISE section for folk customs and games from 1968 to 2004.

1972 Bohinjske šeme [Die Neujahrsmasken (»šeme«) aus dem Bohinjer Tale]. Traditiones 1.
1989 Anton Trstenjak o ljudskem življenju v Prekmurju [Anton Trstenjak über das Volksleben im Prekmurje/Übermurgebiet]. Traditiones 18.
1994 Die Neujahrsmasken aus dem Bohinjertal in den slowenischen Alpen. In: H. Haid (ed.), Alpenbräuche. Pro vita alpina.
1995 V adventu snubiti – o pustu ženiti. Svatbene šege Ziljanov [Im Advent um die Hand werben – im Fasching heiraten. Die Hochzeitsbräuche der Gailtaler Slowenen]. Celovec/Klagenfurt.
1998 Kres. Die Sonnwendbräuche der Slowenen. Studia mythologica 1.
1998 Ozadje nastanka "Narodopisja Slovencev" [The Background behind the Genesis of »Narodopisje Slovencev«]. Traditiones 27.
1999 Smrt v slovenskih ljudskih šegah in verovanju [Death in Slovenian Folk Customs and Religion]. In: N. Brun and M. Remic (eds.),Tihi pomniki minulega časa [.
2003 Vrbiške šjeme. Skrivnost pustne tradicije v Vrbici pri Ilirski Bistrici [The Šjeme from Vrbica. The Secret of Carnival Tradition in Vrbica by Ilirska Bistrica]. Traditiones 32 (2).
2005 Vse je vihar razdjal ... Življenje in delo Rajka Ložarja [Everything has gone with the Wind… Rajko Ložar's Life and Work]. In:
I. Slavec Gradišnik with H. Ložar - Podlogar (eds.), Pretrgane korenine. Sledi življenja in dela Rajka Ložarja (Opera ethnologica slovenica). Ljubljana