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Triglavski narodni park. Akterji, dediščine.

Edited by: Jurij Fikfak, Dan Podjed, Tatiana Bajuk Senčar
Year: 2014

In this volume ('Triglav National Park. Actors and Heritage'), several authors deal with the most important issues faced by Slovenia’s only national park. Tatiana Bajuk Senčar analyzes the introduction of a management plan for Triglav National Park, Vito Hazler examines cultural heritage protection, Špela Ledinek Lozej discusses mountain pasturing and cultural heritage in the park, and Peter Simonič’s treatment of the Trenta Valley traces the history of certain parts of the park. Mateja Habinc addresses the role of heritage in tourism events and the relationship between the organizer and community in the Bohinj Valley. Miha Kozorog and Saša Poljak Istenič analyze the roles and strategies of active sports enthusiasts in shaping the management plan, and Barbara Turk Niskač discusses young people’s views of heritage as seen through the photos they take. Two final contributions are the result of international cooperation: Goran Šantek and Tibor Komar write about Mljet National Park and its endogamic structure, and Katriina Siivonen writes about a national park in Finland.

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collective volume
cultural heritage
environment protection
national parks
natural heritage
protected areas
protected areas


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