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Qualitative Research. Different perspectives, emerging trends.
Kvalitativno raziskovanje. Različne perspektive – nastajajoče težnje.

Edited by: Jurij Fikfak
Year: 2004

The instruments of qualitative methodology are certainly one of the 20th century’s greatest achievements among the different research methods in the humanities and social sciences, especially among those that deal with the discourse and world view of the other – the informant, his or her verbal, visual and other messages. In this period several important reflections on the forms and limits of research practice took place: reflections on the informant and the images and theories of the world with which he or she lives and co-creates his or her life; on the ways and means of recording and translating statements or field information into a language that is understandable to academic circles and the interested public; and last but not least, reflections on the researcher’s world view with and through which he or she interprets and attempts to understand the culture of the other.

Some of these issues are discussed in this book on qualitative research: epistemological questions by Frane Adam, Darka Podmenik, Will C. van den Hoonaard, and Reinhard Sieder; the role of the researcher and his or her “object” is problematized by Tatiana Bajuk Senčar, Jurij Fikfak, and R. Danielle Egan; Ulrich Oevermann, Axel Fehlhaber, and Detlef Garz discuss the latent structures of meaning and the objective semantic structures of expressive configurations within the objective hermeneutics approach; grounded theory approach is presented by Kaja Kazmierska, Blaž Mesec, and Vanja Huzjan; Susanne Friese reviews the characteristics of the current programs for computer-aided qualitative analysis; Josef Zelger presents his program Gabek Winrelan. The work concludes with a paper on ethical questions by Will C. van den Hoonaard.

Table of content

Jurij Fikfak: Voices of Qualitative Research. Between Different Perspectives and Emerging Trends / Glasovi kvalitativnega raziskovanja. Med različnimi perspektivami in nastajajočimi tokovi

Epistemological Problems

Frane Adam and Darka Podmenik: The Reception of Qualitative Research in Slovenia

Will C. van den Hoonaard: The Epistemological Framework of Qualitative Research. Is it Still a Cinderella to Quantitative Research?

Reinhard Sieder: The Individual and the Societal

Researcher and His/Her »Object«

Tatiana Bajuk Senčar: The Role of Fieldwork in Contemporary Anthropology

Jurij Fikfak: From Ethnography to Autoethnography

R. Danielle Egan: The Pleasures and Dangers of Narrative. Introducing the Problematics of the Sociology of Methodology

Objective Hermeneutics

Ulrich Oevermann: Manifest der objektiv hermeneutischen Sozialforschung

Axel Fehlhaber and Detlef Garz: »And Since it is the First Time …« On the Educational Shaping of the Class

Grounded Theory and Narrative Interview

Kaja Kazmierska: Narrative Interview as a Method of Biographical Analysis

Blaž Mesec: A Case of Grounded Theory Construction in Social Work

Vanja Huzjan: The Qualitative Analysis of an Interview


Susanne Friese: Computer-aded Qualitative Data Avalysis: An Overview

Josef Zelger: Qualitative Research by the “GABEK®" Method

Ethical Dimensions of Qualitative Research

Will C. van den Hoonaard: Fostering Human Dignity. Some Inherent Ethical Dimensions of Qualitative Research

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qualitative research


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