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Moški na položajih, ženske v strahu, otroci na češnjah. Zbirka spominov na vojno za obrambo samostojne Slovenije leta 1991.

Edited by: Marija Stanonik, Irena Uršič
Year: 2011

As the title ('Men on positions, women in fear, children in the cherry trees. The collection of memories on war in the year 1991 in defending the independence of Slovenia') indicates, the book is a systematized collection of memories that adults and children have of the defensive war in the newly established country of Slovenia. The war to defend the country’s independence in June 1991 broke the daily routines and interfered with festive plans. With their compulsory military service, the men were crucial in accomplishing the mission entrusted to them in military operations. The wives, girlfriends and mothers did fear for them and for their children, but also carried out, day by day, a myriad of duties at home and in their jobs. As for the children, on some of them the war left a painful mark, while others were left unaffected. The democratization process of more than twenty years ago, when the independent Slovenia was being born, came to be known by the metaphor “the Slovenian spring”, thus cherries as a leitmotif of the testimonies collected here. Not only as an ever desired first fruit of the spring, but also as a symbol: are they not reminiscent of drops of blood shed?

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