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Etnološki pogledi in podobe

Edited by: Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik
Year: 2009

The book ('Ethnological Perspectives and Images') comprises partial findings summed up by researchers of the ZRC Institute of Slovenian Ethnology within the research project bearing the same name. Rather than a synthesis on ethnology between 19th and 21st centuries, this is a review of possibilities for future explorations of the image of culture and cultural processes in Slovenia. Discussions are linked to the noton that knowledge in the humanities is cumulative and interpretative, that it cannot evade its social and historical foundations, and through the conclusion that today we might not know more than we used to, but know it differently. Authors explore the issue through the history of knowledge production in ethnology, and the relationship between the topic of research and its representation, and in shifts that are representative for research into ritual practices, material traces of culture and the storytelling tradition.

Table of content

Uvod (Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik)

Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik, Na poti k etnološkim pogledom in podobam (Towards Ethnological Perspectives and Images)

Jurij Fikfak, Med delom in celoto. Izbrana vprašanja reprezentacije totalitete v etnoloških besedilih (Between Part and Whole: Issues in Ethnological Research and Representation)

Jurij Fikfak, Pogledi na ritualnost in ritualne prakse na Slovenskem (Perspectives on Rituality and Ritual Practices in Slovenia)

Saša Poljak Istenič, Šege in navade kot folklorizem (Customs and Traditions as Folklorism)

Maja Godina Golija, Materialne sledi kulture. Prazniki in praznična miza Slovencev v 20. in 21. stoletju (Material Traces of Culture: Holidays and the Slovenian Festive Table in the 20th and the 21st Centuries)

Marija Stanonik, Dinamičnost žanrskega sistema slovenske slovstvene folklore v 19. in 20. stoletju(Genre System Dynamism in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Slovenian Literary Folklore)

Monika Kropej, Metamorfoze ljudskega pripovedništva na Gorenjskem(Folk Narrative Metamorphoses in Upper Carniola, Slovenia)

Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik, Pogledi in podobe. K vprašanjem o produkciji znanja I. (Perspectives and Images: Fragments on Knowledge Production I.)


21st century
collective volume
folklore research
literary folklore
Slovenian folk culture


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