Periphery in the center: Inclusion and exclusion of anthropology researchers in leading international scientific activities
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Dan Podjed, PhD-
Original Title
Obrobje v središču: Vključenost in izključenost raziskovalk in raziskovalcev s področja antropologije v vodilnih mednarodnih znanstvenih dejavnostih
Project Team
Tatiana Bajuk Senčar, PhD, Katarina Polajnar Horvat, PhD, Anja Pogladič, Inovacijsko-razvojni inštitut Univerze v Ljubljani (IRI UL), dr. Gregor Cerinšek, IRI UL, prof. dr. Carla Guerrón Montero, Univerza v Delawaru, Oddelek za sntropologijo, ZDA, prof. dr. Lu Ann De Cunzo, Univerza v Delawaru, Oddelek za sntropologijo, ZDA , doc. dr. Vikramaditya (Vikram) Thakur, Univerza v Delawaru, Oddelek za sntropologijo, ZDA-
Project ID
1 July 2024–30 June 2026 -
Obrobje v središču: Vključenost in izključenost raziskovalk in raziskovalcev s … -
Financial Source
Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
The project aims to re-evaluate the dominant narrative in anthropology by recognizing and embracing the plurality of anthropologies around the world. It strives to decolonize the discipline, acknowledges historical inequalities, and promotes horizontal relationships between different anthropological traditions. Through virtual workshops and collaboration with prominent anthropologists from various geographic backgrounds, the project aims to produce an edited book entitled Why Anthropology Needs the Global South, which will offer insight into the epistemologies, theories and practices of decolonization. In addition, the project includes a mentoring program for undergraduate students from the University of Delaware and the University of Ljubljana, the goal of which is to train the next generation of researchers and researchers to deal with the anthropologies of the periphery. By promoting inclusivity, fostering dialogue, and strengthening the global impact of anthropology, this project makes a significant contribution to the socioeconomic and cultural development of Europe, including Slovenia, and the United States.