Former Members
IVAN GRAFENAUER, academician
Born on March 7, 1880 in Velika Vas/Micheldorf in Ziljska dolina/Gail River Valley (today Austria), died on December 29, 1964 in Ljubljana. He completed Germanic and Slavic studies in Vienna. He researched Slovenian folk poetry, narrative and religion. Apart from motive-comparative and cultural-historical criteria, he also paid attention to older transcripts of folk tradition, poetry and findings of cultural-historic ethnology. In 1947 he suggested the Assembly of the ASA to establish a Commission for Slovenian Ethnography on the basis of Niko Kuret’s research plan. From 1951 to 1964 he was a manager of the ISE.
Selected publications:
1943 Lepa Vida. Študija o izvoru, razvoju in razkroju narodne balade o lepi Vidi [»Bella Vida« - studio sull'origine, lo sviluppo e la dissoluzione della ballata popolare di Lepa Vida]. Ljubljana.
1943 Duhovna bramba in Kolomonov žegen. Nove najdbe in izsledki [»Duhovna bramba« (Geistlicher Schild) und »Kolomonov žegen« (Colomonisegen). Neue Funde und Forschungsergebnisse]. Ljubljana.
1952 Narodno pesništvo [Folk Poetry]. In: I. Grafenauer and B. Orel (eds.), Narodopisje Slovencev II. Ljubljana.
1950 Legendarna pesem "Spokorjeni grešnik" in staroalpska krvnoduhovna sestavina slovenskega naroda [La légende du »Pecheur pénitent«]. Ljubljana.
1951 Slovenske pripovedke o kralju Matjažu [Die slowenische Volkslieder von König Matjaž]. Ljubljana.
1956 Zmaj iz petelinjega jajca [Der Drache aus dem Hahnen-Ei]. Ljubljana.
1958 Neték in ,Ponočna potnica' v ljudski pripovedki [Ungedeih und »Nächtliche Wanderierin]. Ljubljana.
1965 Spokorjeni grešnik. Študija o izvoru, razvoju in razkroju slovensko-hrvaške-vzhodnoalpske ljudske pesmi [Das slowenisch-kroatische Volkslied vom bussfertigen Sünder]. Ljubljana.
1973 Kratka zgodovina starejšega slovenskega slovstva [A Short History of older Slovenian Literature]. Celje.
SERGIJ VILFAN, academician, university professor
Born in Trst/Trieste on April 5, 1919. He took a diploma degree in 1941 and completed his doctor’s dissertation in 1942 at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. He became an associate member of the SASA in 1978 and in June 1983 its full member. He was a corresponding member of the Austrian and Polish Academy, a president of the national committee for historical sciences of Slovenia, a honorary professor at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and a principal of Ljubljana city archives for 20 years. His first research interest in folk law and ethnology of law to which he remained dedicated until the end of his professional work. He was an active associate of the Commission and the ISE from its establishment. His engagement in the ethnological research, however, presents itself also in his extensive bibliography.
Selected publications:
1961 Pravna zgodovina Slovencev[Legal History of the Slovenians]. Ljubljana.
1977 Le tradizioni locali e le influenze ecclesiastiche nel matrimonio in Slovenia e nelle regioni vicine. In: Il matrimonio nella società altomedievale. Spoleto.
1978 Pravna etnologija [Ethnology of Law]. In: Etnološka topografija slovenskega etničnega ozemlja. Vprašalnice VII. Ljubljana.
1980 Trgovina [Trade]. In: A. Baš (ed.), Slovensko ljudsko izročilo. Ljubljana.
1980 Pravno življenje [Legal Life]. Ibid.
1980 Soseske in druge podeželske skupnosti [Nachbarschaften und andere ländliche Gemeinschaften]. In: Gospodarska in družbena zgodovina Slovencev. Zgodovina agrarnih panog II. Ljubljana.
1980 Zemljiška gospostva [Die Grundherrschaft]. Ibid.
1980 Kmečko prebivalstvo po osebnem položaju [Die persönliche Lage der bäuerlichen Bevölkerung]. Ibid.
1980 Delavci v agrarnem gospodarstvu [Die Arbeiter in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft]. Ibid.
1980 Agrarna premoženjska razmerja [Die vermögensrechtlichen Verhältnisse]. Ibid.
1996 Zgodovinska pravotvornost in Slovenci [Die historische Fähigkeit zur Rechtsbildung und die Slowenen]. Ljubljana.
VILKO NOVAK, university professor
Born on April 28, 1909 in Beltinci. He studied history of South Slavic languages and Slavic studies at the University of Ljubljana. After the diploma degree he was a secondary school professor for 15 years. In 1944 he received his doctor’s degree in Budapest with a dissertation on Š. Küzmič. After the World War II he continued his interrupted ethnological studies with professor Niko Župančič, took a diploma and in 1947 completed his doctor’s degree with a dissertation on folk nutrition in Prekmurje. He taught at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana from 1948 to 1978. In the 50’s and 60’s he was a honorary associate of the ISE. He did extensive research in the history of Slovenian ethnology and various topics from material, social and spiritual culture of the Slovenians, and encouraged research interest in theoretical questions, ethnological cartography, comparative studies.
Selected publications:
1947 Ljudska prehrana v Prekmurju [Folk Food in Prekmurje]. Ljubljana.
1956 O bistvu etnografije in njeni metodi [Sur la nature de l'ethnographie et sur sa méthode]. Slovenski etnograf 9.
1958 Sestava slovenske ljudske kulture [La structure de la culture populaire slovène]. In: Razprave razr. za filol. in lit. vede IV. Ljubljana.
1960 Slovenska ljudska kultura [Slovenian Folk Culture]. Ljubljana.
1968 Über die Milchwirtschaft bei den Völkern Jugoslawiens. In: Viehwirtschaft und Hirtenkultur. Budapest.
1969 Živinoreja [Die Viezucht]. In: Gospodarska in družbena zgodovina Slovencev. Zgodovina agrarnih panog I. Ljubljana.
1973 Über den Charakter der slowenischen Volkskultur in Kärnten. München.
1976 Prehrana [Nutrition]. In: Etnološka topografija slovenskega etničnega ozemlja. Vprašalnice V. Ljubljana.
1986 Raziskovalci slovenskega življenja [Researchers of Slovenian Folk Life]. Ljubljana.
1997 Martjanska pesmarica [Das ältere Gesangbuch von Martjanci in Prekmurje]. Ljubljana.
NIKO KURET, academician, research advisor
Born in Trst/Trieste on April 24, 1906. In 1930 he graduated in Romance studies and comparative literature in Ljubljana, and in 1946 in ethnology. He received his doctoral degree at the SASA in 1956. He first worked as a secondary school teacher in Kranj, Novo Mesto, and Ljubljana.
From 1954 onwards he was a researcher at the ISE, where he founded and led a section for folk customs and games.
For years he was the Slovenian editor for the International Folklore Bibliography and Demos. In 1964, he took part at the founding assembley of the Sociéte internationale d'ethnologie et de folklore (SIEF) and was one of its honorary members. In 1991 he was elected full member of the SASA. He wrote theoretical articles on theater and staged old Slovenian folk plays, synthetically and analytically studied folk theater and liturgical plays, seasonal customs, and masks. Kuret pioneered the introduction of film into Slovenian ethnology.
Selected publications:
1963 Ziljsko štehvanje in njegov evropski okvir [La quintaine des Slovènes de la valée de la Zilia (Gailtal) et son cadre européen]. Ljubljana.
1965–70 Praznično leto Slovencev I—IV [The Festive Year of the Slovenians]. Celje (2nd ed. in 2 vol., 1989).
1981 Duhovna drama [Spiritual Drama]. Ljubljana. 1981 Jaslice na Slovenskem [Die Weihnachtskrippe in Slowenien]. Ljubljana.
1984 Maske slovenskih pokrajin [Masks of Slovenian Regions]. Ljubljana.
1985–1993 Slovensko Štajersko pred marčno revolucijo [Slovenian Styria prior to the 1848 March Revolution] I (3 vol.), II ( 1 vol.) /A - Je/. Ljubljana.
1996 Das festliche Jahr der Slowenen. Celovec/Klagenfurt-Ljubljana-Wien.
1996 (ed. by M. Matičetov and H. Ložar - Podlogar) Opuscula selecta. Poglavja iz ljudske kulture [Opuscula selecta. Chapters on Folk Culture]. Ljubljana.
1997 Marijo nosijo. Marijino popotovanje ali adventna devetdnevnica [They Carry the Virgin Mary]. Ljubljana.
MILKO MATIČETOV, academician, research advisor
Born on September 10, 1919 in Kopriva on Kras. He studied classical and modern filology at the University of Padova (1938–1943). In 1955 he received his doctor’s degree at SASA with a folklore study “Sežgani in prerojeni človek” (Burnt amd Reborn Man). In 1945 he was employed as a curator in the Ethnographic museum in Ljubljana. He worked in the ISE from 1952 to his retirement in 1985. From 1975 to 1985 he was appointed manager of the ISE. He established the archives of folk narratives. He mostly commits himself to collecting and comparative researching of Slovenian folk literature and religion, especially folk narrative in prose. Although he has studied all Slovenian ethnic territory, his research is most intensively focused on marginal areas (Posočje, Ter, Rezija, Slovenian Istra and Kras, Zgornja Savska dolina and Koroška, Prekmurje and Porabje). He attended the founding meeting of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research in Antwerpen in 1952 and further meetings of that society.
Selected publications:
1958 Kralj Matjaž v luči novega slovenskega gradiva in novih raziskavanj [König Matjaž im Lichte neuen slowenischen Stoffes und neuer Forschung]. In: Razprave SAZU, II. razr., Knj. 4. Ljubljana
1962 Sežgani in prerojeni človek [Der verbrannte und wiedergeborene Mensch]. Ljubljana.
1972 Rožice iz Rezije [Antologia di canti lirici resiani]. Koper, Trst, Ljubljana.
1973 Zverinice iz Rezije [Antologia di fiabe di animali resiane]. Ljubljana, Trst.
1974 Zvezdna imena in izročila o zvezdah med Slovenci [Names of Stars and Connected Beliefs among Slovenes]. In: Zbornik za zgodovino naravoslovja in tehnike 2.
1979 "Bedenice". Imena, pesniško in obredno izročilo o tem cvetju na Slovenskem in pri sosedih v hrvaški Istri [Bedenice. Namen, poetische ind brauchtümliche Überlieferungen hinsichtlich der auf slowenischem Boden und bei Nachbarn im kroatischen Istrien wildgewachsenden Narzissen]. Traditiones 5–6 (1976–1977).
1981 Resia. Bibliografia ragionata 1927–1979. Udine.
ANGELOS BAŠ, research advisor, university professor
He was born on August 24, 1926 in Tabor in Savinja valley. He graduated in 1951 in ethnology and national history from the University of Ljubljana. In 1959 he received his doctor’s degree with a dissertation “Noša na Slovenskem v poznem srednjem veku in 16.stoletju” [Folk Costume in the late Middle Ages and in the 16th Century]. From 1950 to 1963 he was a curator at the City Museum in Ljubljana and from 1963 to 1979 in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana. From 1979 to 1991 he was employed in the ISE. His research interest was focused on culture and way of life of various professional groups, and especially clothing culture, and pleaded for a historical oriented ethnology. In 1969 he was elected a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, an associate professor in 1978 and a full professor of ethnology in 1984. From 1991 to 2004 he has been editor in chief of the Slovenian Ethnological Lexicon.
Selected publications:
1967 Gozdni in žagarski delavci na južnem Pohorju v dobi kapitalistične izrabe gozdov [Wald- und Sägearbeiter am südlichen Pohorje (Bacherngebirge)]. Maribor.
1970 Noša na Slovenskem v poznem srednjem veku in 16. stoletju [Folk Costume in the late Middle Ages and in the 16th]
1973 Savinjski splavarji [The Savinja Raftsmen]. Ljubljana.
1976 Ljutomerske konjske dirke [The Ljutomer Horse Races]. Maribor.
1986 Opisi kmečkega oblačilnega videza na Slovenskem v 1. polovici 19. stoletja [Descriptions of Rural Costume in Slovenia in the First Half of the 19th Century]. Ljubljana.
1987 Oblačilna kultura na Slovenskem v Prešernovem času. 1. polovica 19. stoletja [La culture vestimentaire en Slovénie au temps de Prešeren]. Ljubljana.
1991 Opisi oblačilnega videza na Slovenskem v 17. in 18. stoletju [Descriptions of Rural Costume in Slovenia in the 17th and 18th centuries]. Ljubljana.
1992 Oblačilna kultura na Slovenskem v 17. in 18. stoletju [La culture vestimentaire en Slovénie aux 17e et 18e siècles]. Ljubljana.
2004 (et al., ed.) Slovenski etnološki leksikon [Slovenian Ethnological Lexicon]. Ljubljana. Century]. Ljubljana.
MIRKO RAMOVŠ, former member of the Institute of Ethnomusicology, head of the ISE (1985–1991)
Born on October 5, 1935 in Ljubljana. He took a diploma degree in Slavic studies from the University of Ljubljana. As a professor of Slovenian language he taught in a primary school from 1961 to 1966 when he was appointed assistant for ethnocoreology in the Institute for Ethnomusoclogy. He had already made research on folk dances as a student at the academic folklore group France Marolt of which he became a professional and artistic manager in 1965. Apart from his sistematic research on folk dances and dance traditions in Slovenia he is engaged in educational and pedagogical work in the field of folk dances. From 1985 to 1990 he was a manager of the ISE.
Selected publications:
1971 Slovenski narodni plesovi [Slovenian Folk Dances]. Zagreb.
1980 Plesat me pelji. Plesno izročilo na Slovenskem [“Let me dance.” Dance Tradition in Slovenia]. Ljubljana.
1992-2000 Polka je ukazana. Plesno izročilo na Slovenskem [“Polka is ordered.” Dance Tradition in Slovenia] (7 Vol.) Ljubljana.
JULIJAN STRAJNAR, former member of the Institute of Ethnomusicology, head of the ISE (1991–1994)
Born on January 7, 1936 in Combelle, France. He graduated from the University of Ljubljana (Romance studies, ethnology and musicology). From 1955 to 1963 he was a leading violin in the Symphonic Orchestra of the RTV Ljubljana and was employed in the Institute of Ethnomusicology from 1964 to 1995. From 1981 he was giving lectures on ethnomusicology at the Academy of Music. He edited transcribed folk songs on gramophone records for the series Slovenian Music, editited a book on first sound recordings in Bela krajina (1989), was co-author of several collections of folk songs and editor of audio cassettes and CDs. From 1991 to 1994 he was a manager of the ISE.
Selected publications:
1986 Godci in godčevstvo na Slovenskem [Traditional musicians and traditional musicianship in Slovenija]. Folklorist 1–2 (1986).
1986 Godčevske viže [Traditional music]. Folklorist 1–2 (1986).
1988 Citira. La musica strumentale in Val di Resia / Inštrumentalna glasba v Reziji. Udine and Triest.
1988 Catalogo registrazioni delle traditioni popolari degli Sloveni in Italia / Katalog posnetkov ljudskega izročila Slovencev v Italiji (1962–1986). Valcanale and Ljubljana.
1989 Lepa Ane govorila. Prvi zvočni posnetki v Beli krajini [The first records of traditional folk song in Bela krajina]. Folklorist 1–2 (1989).
1992 Rožmarin. Canti popolari sloveni / Rosemary. Slovene folk songs. Udine
ANTON CEVC, research advisor
Born on May 31, 1932 in Kamnik. He graduated in 1957 in ethnology and history of art from the University of Ljubljana where he finished his doctor’s study in 1969 with a dissertation “Pastirske koče v Julijskih in Kamniških Alpah in predslovanski substat v njihovi arhitekturni dediščini” [Sheperds’ Huts in Julian and Kamnik Alps]. From 1971 to 1999 he was researcher in the ISE. After two years he took over the newly established section for material culture. His research is focused on the culture of the Alpine area, mostly on the daily life of people and their built environment (folk architecture). He stimulates the cooperation between historical ethnology and arhaeology. From 1994 to 1998 he was a manager of the ISE.
Selected publications:
1972 Velika Planina. Življenje, delo in izročilo pastirjev [Velika planina. Leben, Arbeit und Überlieferung der Sennen]. Ljubljana. (2nd, enlarged ed., 1987; 3rd, enlarged ed., 1993).
1984 Arhitekturno izročilo pastirjev, drvarjev in oglarjev na Slovenskem. Kulturnozgodovinski in etnološki oris [Die bauliche Überlieferung der Hirten, Holzfäller und Kohlbrenner in Slowenien]. Ljubljana.
1988 Kmečke hiše v Karavankah. Stavbna dediščina hribovskih kmetij pod Kepo, Stolom, Košuto, Obirjem, Pristovškim Storžičem in Peco [Das Bauernhaus in den Karawanken]. Celovec and Trst.
1991 Das Bauernhaus in den Karawanken. Radovljica.
1992 Bohinj in njegove planine. Srečanje s planšarsko kulturo. Radovljica and Ljubljana [German ed.: Bohinj und seine Almen. Begegnung mit der Almwirtschaft und Almkultur in Slowenien. – Bearbeitete deutsche Ausg. – Radovljica 1994].
1993 Slovenski kozolec - Slovene Hay Rack. Žirovnica.
1998 (et al.) Davne sledi človeka v Kamniških Alpah. Arheološke najdbe v planinah (1995-1996). [Uralte Spuren des Menschen in den Kamniker Alpen. Archäologische Funde (1995–1996) auf den Almen]. Ljubljana.
2000 Lončene posode pastirjev. Sklede in latvice iz poznega srednjega in novega veka iz planin v Kamniških Alpah [Die Tongefässe der Hirten. Schüsseln aus dem Spätmittelalter und der Neuzeit von den Almen in den Kamniker Alpen (Steineralpen)]. Ljubljana.
2006 (ed.) Človek v Alpah. Desetletje (1996–2006) raziskav o navzočnosti človeka v slovenskih Alpah [Der Mensch in den Alpen. Zehn Jahre (1996–2006) Forschungen über die Anwesenheit des Menschen in den slovwenischen Alpen]. Ljubljana
Helena LOŽAR - PODLOGAR, researcher
Born on April 4, 1942 in Ljubljana. She graduated in ethnology and German language and literature from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in 1966. In 1966 she enrolled in the graduate program at the University of Vienna (Institut für vergleichende Volkskunde) as a Herder grantee. She completed her studies in 1968 under R. Wolfram, L. Schmidt, and K. Gaál. In 1978 she obtained her master's degree at Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts with the thesis »Ženitovanjske šege Ziljanov« (Wedding Customs of the Gail River Valley). She was a researcher in the ISE section for folk customs and games from 1968 to 2004.
Selected publications:
1972 Bohinjske šeme [Die Neujahrsmasken (»šeme«) aus dem Bohinjer Tale]. Traditiones 1.
1989 Anton Trstenjak o ljudskem življenju v Prekmurju [Anton Trstenjak über das Volksleben im Prekmurje/Übermurgebiet]. Traditiones 18.
1994 Die Neujahrsmasken aus dem Bohinjertal in den slowenischen Alpen. In: H. Haid (ed.), Alpenbräuche. Pro vita alpina. Innsbruck.
1995 V adventu snubiti – o pustu ženiti. Svatbene šege Ziljanov [Im Advent um die Hand werben – im Fasching heiraten. Die Hochzeitsbräuche der Gailtaler Slowenen]. Celovec/Klagenfurt.
1998 Kres. Die Sonnwendbräuche der Slowenen. Studia mythologica 1.
1998 Ozadje nastanka "Narodopisja Slovencev" [The Background behind the Genesis of »Narodopisje Slovencev«]. Traditiones 27.
1999 Smrt v slovenskih ljudskih šegah in verovanju [Death in Slovenian Folk Customs and Religion]. In: N. Brun and M. Remic (eds.),Tihi pomniki minulega časa [. Ljubljana.
2003 Vrbiške šjeme. Skrivnost pustne tradicije v Vrbici pri Ilirski Bistrici [The Šjeme from Vrbica. The Secret of Carnival Tradition in Vrbica by Ilirska Bistrica]. Traditiones 32 (2).
2005 Vse je vihar razdjal ... Življenje in delo Rajka Ložarja [Everything has gone with the Wind… Rajko Ložar's Life and Work]. In: I. Slavec Gradišnik with H. Ložar - Podlogar (eds.), Pretrgane korenine. Sledi življenja in dela Rajka Ložarja (Opera ethnologica slovenica). Ljubljana
Sinja Zemljič - Golob, librarian
Born on March 2, 1948 in Ljubljana. In 1972 she completed her studies in ethnology and art history at the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. After graduation she worked as freelance at the Institute for Industrial Design (at FAGG) as a documentalist in the field of ethnological and architectural research with Niko Kralj. In 1973 she was employed as a librarian in the ISE. At the beginning of 1979 she became a Humanities Fellow and in 1987 she was elected Senior Humanities Fellow. She has completed several subject, name, and place indexes for various publications. She has edited the bibliography of the ISE members (Biographies and Bibliographies of the SRC SASA Researchers), compiled two bibliographies for thirty volumes of the journal Traditiones, and written several articles, published in academic and popular journals. She has set up several solo and group professional exhibitions (for the field of ethnology and that of library scinece). She has coauthored screenplaqys for two ethnological films produced by RTV Ljubljana. In 1987 and 1988 she was sevretary of the Traditiones editorial board. She was secretary of the Slovene Ethnological Society (1975–1979).
Selected publications:
1979 Izdelovanje rumenih sveč v Solčavi [Die Erzeugung gelber Kerzen in Solčava]. Traditiones 5–6.
1985 Lan kot oljna rastlina [Der Flachs als Ölpflanze]. Traditiones 14.
1993 Bibliografija Traditiones 1–20 (1972–1991). Traditiones 22.
2001 Bibliografija Traditiones 21–30 (1992–2000). Traditiones 30 (2).
Mojca RAVNIK, doc. dr., Assist. Prof. Dr., Research Advisor
Mojca Ravnik was born in 1947 in Ljubljana. In 1970 she graduated in ethnology and art history at the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. Between 1971 and 1983 she worked at the Faculty's Department of Ethnology, at first as a librarian and later as an assistant. From 1983 to 1988 she worked as an ethnologist and conservator at the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Piran Unit. Since 1988 she has been working for the ISE.
She was the coordinator of the project “Ethnological Cultural Heritage – Evaluation and Protection” (1997–1999) and the program “Ethnological Research of Culture in Slovenia and Across the Borders” (1999– 2003). Currently she is coordinating the program “Ethnological and Folklore Research in the Slovenian and European Cultural Environment” (2004–2008). She was the editor of the journal Traditiones (no. 20, 1991) and a member of the editorial board of the Slovenski etnološki leksikon (Lexicon of Slovenian Ethnology).
Fields of research: urban ethnology, protection of cultural heritage, social culture.
Selected publications:
1981 Galjevica. Partizanska knjiga, Ljubljana.
1988 Vprašanja o istrskem stavbarstvu. Traditiones 17, 1988, str. 121-134.
1996 Bratje, sestre, strniči, zermani : družina in sorodstvo v vaseh v Slovenski Istri. Ljubljana, Koper.
2003 Družina in selitveni pojavi v Nadiških dolinah v Beneški Sloveniji. Traditiones 32, 1, str. 29-55.
2004 Sv. Štefan v Zanigradu, praznik sorodstva, vasi in soseske. Traditiones 33, 1, str. 97 – 115.
2005 Sv. Štefan v Zanigradu ob desetletnici žegnanja konj : popravki in dopolnitve. Traditiones 34, 2, str. 255-259.
2006 Celebrations in the Idrija River Valley of Slovenian Entrance into the European Union. Traditiones 35, 1, str. 167-182.
2009 Family and identity among migrants from Slovene Istria. V: PROMITZER, Christian (ur.), HERMANIK, Klaus-Jürgen (ur.), STAUDINGER, Eduard G. (ur.). (Hidden) minorities : language and ethnic identity between Central Europe and the Balkans, (Studies on South East Europe, vol. 5). Wien; Berlin: Lit, 237-250, graf. prikazi.
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