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May 1947: A secondary school professor Niko Kuret presented to Niko Župančič, university professor of ethnology, his idea about founding the Slovenian ethnographic archives. His conception included a research and organizing draft of the new ethnological institution.

December 1947: On the basis of Kuret’s proposal the academician Ivan Grafenauer suggested to the Assembly of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (ASA) in Ljubljana a foundation of the Commission for Slovenian Ethnography (Komisija za slovensko narodopisje), and listed its members: Milko Matičetov, France Marolt, Niko Kuret, Vilko Novak, France Kos, France Kotnik, conditionally Metod Turnšek, Rajko Ložar and Rado Lenček.
According to the statute the Commission for Slovenian Ethnography had the following assignments: collecting ethnographic material (texts, descriptions, photographs, bibliographies) and organization and coordination of collecting work of other ethnographic institutions; arrangement and preservation of collected ethnographic material in the archives with three departments: archives of the Slovenian oral and musical folklore and folk art; archives of the Slovenian social culture and the archives of the Slovenian folk material culture; scientific publishing of the material, editing encyclopeadic (popular and scientific) publications; supporting preservation of ethnographic monuments in Slovenia (in situ and in museums); encouraging an introduction of ethnology lessons in Slovenian schools' curriculums.
Due to the lack of funds there were no full time researches employed and no suitable rooms.

1950: First honorary members of the Commission were formally named: Niko Kuret, Milko Matičetov and Vilko Novak.

1951: Members of the Commission joined the fieldwork of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum research team. This cooperation in joint fieldwork continued in the following years; all collected materials remained in the archives of SEM.

1951: The Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) decided that the then independent Ethnomusicological Institute and the Commission for Slovenian Ethnography of the SASA should join into the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology (Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje). Thus on the annual meeting the ISE was established; however, the ethnomusicological section did not join it until 21 years later (in 1972).
Ivan Grafenauer became the first manager, Jakob Kelemina and France Kotnik honorary research fellows and Alojzij Bolhar, Niko Kuret, Milko Matičetov, Vilko Novak and Sergij Vilfan specialist consultants.

1952: First full time members were engaged: Milko Matičetov, taking over the field of Slovenian folk literature, and Albina Štrubelj, an archives technician.
The ongoing cooperation with the International Folklore Bibliography started; Niko Kuret provided selected Slovenian bibliographies.

1954: Niko Kuret was appointed a full time researcher and took over the field of folk customs and folk games.

1956: On Grafenauer’s suggestion the ISE began publishing its Bulletin; from October 1956 to March 1957 four issues of the first annual were published. In 1959 it became the Bulletin of the Slovene Ethnographical Society (since 1975 Bulletin of the Slovene Ethnological Society).
At that time a gramophone records collection (the oldest recording from 1913), a dias collection (the first diapositives already in 1955) and a photograph collection started to grow. In the section for folk customs and games film documentation was introduced (the first film was shot in 1956).
The ISE organized the first meeting of the international working assembly of ethnologists named “Alpes Orientales” in Ljubljana. With an exception of the last meeting (1974, in Rezija), all meetings' proceedings were published in the series Alpes Orientales.

1963: Angela Berkopec became a part-time employee.

1965: France Bezlaj, academician, became a manager of the ISE. Niko Kuret ran the institute as a secretary.

1966: The cooperation of the ISE with the international bibliographic periodical Demos (Internazionale ethnographische und folkloristische Informazionen) started; up to 1974 Niko Kuret was its Slovenian editor, from 1975 onward Helena Ložar - Podlogar.

1967: Helena Ložar - Podlogar was employed as a researcher in the section for folk customs and games.

1971: Tone Cevc was employed as a researcher in the section for folk literature.

1972: France Koblar, academician, became a manager of the ISE. Niko Kuret ran the institute as a secretary.
A section for material culture was established and taken over by Tone Cevc.
On the 25th anniversary the ISE started to publish the journal Traditiones.
The ethnomusicological institute joined the ISE; researchers Zmaga Kumer, Valens Vodušek, Julijan Strajnar, Mirko Ramovš and Marko Terseglav were the members of the new Section of Ethnomusicology.

1973: Sinja Zemljič - Golob was employed in the institute library.

1974: Marija Stanonik was employed in the section for folk literature. Janez Bogataj was employed in the ISE from March to November.

1975: Milko Matičetov became an assistant manager of the ISE.

1976: Marta Koren was employed as a secretary.

1979: Angelos Baš was employed in the section for material culture. Niko Kuret retired.

1981: Milko Matičetov became a manager of the ISE.

1982: Jurij Fikfak was employed in the section for folk customs and games and Igor Cvetko in the section of ethnomusicology.

1983: Naško Križnar was employed in the Audiovisual Laboratory of the SRC SASA.

1985: Mirko Ramovš became a manager of the ISE. Monika Kropej was employed as a young researcher in the section for folk literature. Milko Matičetov retired.

1986: Marjetka Golež was employed in the section of ethnomusicology.

1988: Mojca Ravnik was employed in the section for folk customs and games.

1989: Robert Vrčon was employed in the section of ethnomusicology.

1991: Angelos Baš retired. Julijan Strajnar became a manager of the ISE.

1993: Tone Cevc became the assistant manager of the ISE. Drago Kunej was employed in the section of ethnomusicology.

1994: At the beginning of the year the ISE moved to renovated rooms on Novi trg 5. The section of ethnomusicology of the ISE became an independent Institute of ethnomusicology SRC SASA (Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU) on May 31. Tone Cevc was appointed manager of the ISE.

1995: Božena Gabrijelčič, a secretary, and Stanka Drnovšek as documentalist, specialist consultant, were employed.

1996: Maja Godina - Golija was employed in the section for material culture. At the end of the year a young researcher Polona Šega was employed.

1998: Roberto Dapit as visiting researcher, and a young researcher Vesna Moličnik were employed. Mojca Ravnik was appointed head of the ISE.

1999: A young researcher Barbara Ivančič was employed. The Audiovisual Laboratory joined the ISE as an individual section. Tone Cevc retired.

2000: Roberto Dapit became an external associate, a young researcher Špela Ledinek was employed.

2001: Polona Šega was employed as an assistant with a doctor’s degree, but she left the institute after few months. Vesna Moličnik, young researcher, left. Specialist consultant Miha Peče, researchers Mojca Ramšak and Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik joined the ISE.

2002: Monika Kropej was appointed head of the institute.

2003: A technician Aleksander Kuharič was employed. Young research assistants Katja Jerman and Saša Poljak joined the ISE. Helena Ložar - Podlogar retired.

2005: Mojca Ramšak left the institute. Research assistant Vesna Ličer was employed.

2006: Vanja Huzjan, assistant and librarian, was employed. A young researcher Saša Babič joined the ISE. Former librarian Sinja Zemljič - Golob retired. – Monika Kropej was appointed head of the institute.

2007: Katja Jerman, young researcher, left the institute.

2008: Mojca Ravnik retired at the end of the year.
2010: A young researcher Katarina Šrimpf joined the ISE. Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik was appointed head of the institute.