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Staroverstvo v Sloveniji med religijo in znanostjo

Edited by: Saša Babič, Mateja Belak
Year: 2022

The book deals with an extraordinary socio-political and environmental-religious phenomenon. In Slovenia, in a special form of heterotopia, a social community preserved, at least until the middle of the 20th century, its political, legal, police and religious independence from the dominant Christian and state system. The authors examine the credibility of the narrative of this hidden society and search for its historical and spatial framework. Their belief system is clearly derived from Old Slavic and corresponds to the concept of primordial monotheism described by post-Christian theology. It is closely related to space, in which it materializes in the form of tripartite spatial structures called tročans. A physical experiment conducted shows that there is a very tangible probability that they regulated the negative effects of local earth magnetism and solar storms. In this way, the people designed the space that offered them more health and therefore a better chance of survival. This is an example of sustainable living. Its significance is becoming more important every day as the weather becomes more and more erratic.

Table of content

Kratko o knjigi (Andrej PLETERSKI)
(Ne)pristnost verovanj in praks v gradivu o “posoških starovercih” ter o primerljivosti in
o različnih pogledih na svet (Katja HROBAT VIRLOGET)
Kolonizacija Srednjega Posočja (Matjaž BIZJAK)
Družbeno-politični vidiki zahodnoslovenske naravoverske skupnosti (Cirila TOPLAK)
Elementi slovenske prvotne religije. O rekonstrukciji slovenskega staroverskega religijskega izročila (Lenart ŠKOF)
Trije Belini in njihovi sinkretizmi v ustnem izročilu zahodne Slovenije (Miha MIHELIČ)
Verovanje host v sklopu staroverstva na Slovenskem in verovanja starih Slovanov (Andrej PLETERSKI)

Vpliv monolitov na lokalno magnetno polje (Rudi ČOP)
Cerkev kot del staroverskega svetišča (Franc ŠTURM)

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Slavic Native Faith


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