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Perunovo koplje

Edited by: Andrej Pleterski, Tomo Vinšćak
Year: 2011

['Perun's Spear']

Having come to this area from their fatherland, the Slavs brought their ancient beliefs and mythical worldview. To completely dominate the new space, the gods of the old faith had to be placed in the new environment - this way, all things foreign and alien became personal and recognizable. Old mages put their seal in space and that mark is visible to this day. We know that some of the sacral toponyms located on the maps originated from that time - the time of the settlement of Slavs.

Slavs placed their deities in places where certain sacredness was already present. With the transition to Christianity, the cult of holiness was re-established - with only difference that Christian substitutes were placed in place of the old Slavic gods. Toponyms referring to pre-Christian Slavic mythology are found in Croatia, southeast of Split, in a wider area of Žrnovnica, Podstrana and central Poljica.

Table of content

  • Tomo VINŠĆAK: Sakralna interpretacija mitsko-povijesne baštine Žrnovnice i Podstrane
  • Vedran BARBARIĆ: Reljef Silvana iz Nugla - Barbarića / The relief of Silvanus from Nugal-Barbarići
  • Ante MILOŠEVIĆ: Slika “Božanskog boja” – likovni i ikonografski pogled na konjanički reljef iz Žrnovnice u Dalmaciji / “Divine Battle” pictured: Visual and iconographic view of the horseman relief from Žrnovnica in Dalmatia
  • Vitomir BELAJ: Jurjevi koraci po Žminjač / Jarylos Schritte auf der Žminjača
  • Radoslav KATIČIĆ: Jurjevo koplje i Jurjev mač / Georgs Lanze und Georgs Schwert
  • Radoslav KATIČIĆ: Perunovo svetište u Varešu / Das Perunheiligtum bei Vareš
  • Mislav JEŽIĆ: Krsna diže goru Govardhanu: pobjeđuje li to Veles Peruna u indijskoj predaji? / Krsna lifts up Mount Govardhana: Does Velesъ defeat Perunъ in the Indian Purānic tradtion?
  • Suzana MARJANIĆ: Mitološka i mitotvorna priča o poveznici perunika – Perun / Mythological and Myth-Forming Story of the Perunika Flower [the Iris] and Perun, the Thunder God
  • Ivica KIPRE: Mitska topografija Župe dubrovačke / The mythical topography of Župa Dubrovačka
  • Mario KATIĆ: Kamen i duša / Stone and soul
  • Vladimir Peter GOSS: A Pannonian’s Hommage to Don Ante Škobalj / Panončev hommage Don Anti Škobalju
  • Bozidar Bruce YERKOVICH: Technocratic monoculturalism - evolutionary force / Tehno­kratski monokulturalizam – evolucijska snaga
  • Ivica LOLIĆ: Perunovim stazama do kulturnog turizma / Perun’s Trails - a Way Towards Cultural Tourism
  • Ivan ALJINOVIĆ: Žrnovnica poslije simpozija - Perunov grom ili tek iskra / Žrnovnica after the Symposium - Perun’s Thunder or just a Spark?
  • Literatura
  • Popis autora / Seznam avtorjev


collective volume
Perun (Slavic god)
Slavic mythology


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