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Maribor in Mariborčani

Edited by: Maja Godina Golija
Year: 2015

Maribor is a city of contrasts, which in the past centuries experienced periods of prosperity, as well as a number of turmoils and setbacks: from the medieval centre of Jewish culture in the Slovenian territory to the centre of Germanization in southern Styria, from the centre of rich trade in agricultural products to the most important industrial centre in former Yugoslavia. The city, which today – in a period of harsh economic conditions, is falling into ruin and is on the brink of social collapse. The scientific monograph ('Maribor and the people of Maribor') represents the views of thirteen scientists from different research fields of the humanities (ethnology, biography, history, musicology, anthropology, art and literary history) on the fate of the people of Maribor, economic and cultural development, and the capabilities of this unique urban centre in Slovenia.

Table of content


Maja Godina Golija
Podobe mesta
Marjan Toš
Israel Isserlein – mariborski humanist in judovski učenjak
Boris Hajdinjak
Marko Rosner kot Mariborčan
Mateja Ratej
Ivan Fedotovič Timošenko – od vojaka Vranglove armade do karizmatičnega mariborskega hišnika
Dragan Potočnik
Primorci in Maribor v obdobju med svetovnima vojnama
Manica Špendal
Tuje glasbene osebnosti, ki so zaznamovale glasbeno kulturo Maribora
Valentina Bevc Varl
Benedikt Vivat in steklarstvo na Pohorju
Maja Godina Golija
Mariborska tržnica v prvi polovici 20. stoletja – od vsakodnevne preskrbe z živili do prostora druženja
Jerneja Ferlež
Od odprtih ognjišč k novim paradigmam v urbanizaciji Maribora
Zdenka Semlič Rajh
Ko zapoje rdeči petelin. Maribor in protipožarni predpisi v drugi polovici 18. in v 19. stoletju
Dragica Haramija
Povedke o Mariboru
Andreja Rakovec
Komu so Mariborčani postavljali spomenike? Spomeniki znanih osebnosti v Mariboru
Vlasta Stavbar
Maribor v letih 1917 in 1918. Politično in kulturno življenje Mariborčanov v zadnjih letih habsburške monarhije
Maksimiljan Fras
Nekateri vidiki gospodarske politike v mestni občini Maribor v drugi polovici tridesetih let 20. stoletja
Peter Simonič
Dialektika mariborskih stanovanjskih kooperativ

Povzetek v nemškem jeziku
Avtorji in avtorice

sold out

collective volume
collective volume
cultural history
economic history
famous personalities


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